The Ministry of Industry held ‘Thailand Industry Expo 2018’ To boost SMEs’ capacity to future industry

02 August 2018

The Ministry of Industry kicked off ‘Thailand Industry Expo 2018’ to boost SMEs’ capacity to future industry through latest innovation and technology. Emphasize Thailand’s industrial competence with the concept of ‘Change to Shift, Advance Thai Industry’ by showing off potential of every industrial clusters.

Dr. Uttama Savanayana, Minister of Industry, elaborated the preparation process of Thailand Industry Expo 2018 that ‘the Ministry of Industry worked closely together with Thailand’s leading industrial operators, both in public and private sectors, over 1,500 business, including large scale entrepreneurs, SMEs, and local entrepreneurs (OTOP), to exhibit their innovation, technology, products, and services. There were also industrial competency shows under the concept of ‘Thailand Industry 4.0: Change to Shift’ that reflects visions and policies of the Ministry of Industry in driving and developing Thai industries substantially. One of the most crucial strategies to drive the Thailand 4.0 strategy is to enhance industrial competency. The strategy has 10 industrial targets (S-Curve) which including the 5 first S-Curve; modern vehicles, electronics, high income generating and health related tourism, agriculture and biotech, and food processing. Future industries (5 new S-Curve) include intensive technological and innovative use; robots, aviation and logistic, bio fuel and biochemical, digital and complete medical care.

‘I believe that these targeted industries will help boosting Thailand’s industrial growth to at least 4.5 percent each year, with at least 10 percent investment rate, and at least 8 percent export value growth which would be an increasing rate that would shift Thai economy from middle income to high income country within 20 years as written in National Strategic’, Dr. Uttama said.

The preparation of Thailand Industry Expo 2018 with the concept of ‘Thailand Industry 4.0: Change to Shift’ is a joint force between Thai SMEs and private sector to show their competence in industry development. The expo was held on 2-5 August 2018 from 10.00-20.00 hrs at Challenger 2-3, IMPACT Muang Thong Thani. It is estimated that there were over 200,000 visitors with over 500 million Baht circulating money.